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Visit District 17 website for news and information in our district: click here
Metro Council District 17
Address: 601 West Jefferson St Louisville, Ky 40202
[email protected]
Louisville Metro Emergency Services
(502) 574-3900
Click here to visit website
Louisville Police
Click here to visit website
Our elected city council are available to city residents. A public City Council Meeting is held the second Tuesday of every month January through November at 6:30pm. Residents of Murray Hill are welcome to attend and participate in the business of our city.
Patrick Johnson: (502) 938-3560
John Kaelin: (502) 409-8157
Diane Bennett: (859) 552-5486
Kent Hall: (502) 777-0922
Gil Felhoelter: (502) 855-1989
City Clerk
Lisa Heiser: [email protected]
Contact via Email
Please reach out to us via email at [email protected]
This message is broadcast to City Mayor and all Commissioners.
The City of Murray Hill is a sixth class city in Louisville, Kentucky that has 169 homes and was established in 1971.
Mayor Patrick Johnson (502) 938-3560
Fire/Police 911
LG&E 502-589-1444